Core Components of DBT Volume 2

Core Components of DBT Volume 2

Presented by Dr Michaela Swales and Christine Dunkley, each video in the Core Components series focuses on a different aspect of DBT and consists of role plays depicting a relevant scenario.
Volume 2 focusses on the first pre-treatment session and eliciting commitment to skills group.

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Core Components of DBT Volume 2
  • Core Components Vol 2 - 2. Pre Treatment

    In this pre-treatment role play Michaela demonstrates goal identification and linking goals to treatment targets where the client's goals for therapy readily match the focus of the treatment programme.

  • Core Components Vol 2 - 1. Introduction

    This video precedes the Pre-Treatment role play. In this episode Michaela explains the pre-treatment phase of DBT. In the role play the name Christine was chosen to prevent Michaela misnaming the patient during the role play.

  • Core Components Vol 2 - 3. Pre-Treatment pt. 2

    In this second pre-treatment role play the client is more hopeless and presents her main goal to be dead. In this role play Michaela demonstrates a distinctive feature of DBT pre-treatment - treating road blocks to commitment to assist the client making the necessary commitments to treatment.

  • Core Components Vol 2 - 4. Commitment to Skills Group

    In this role play Michaela demonstrates how to work with a client who is reluctant to attend the group component of the treatment and develop commitment to attending the full DBT programme.

  • Core Components Volume 2 Online Video Booklet

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